
The best free alternative to Opus

Use ClipHog's AI-powered short creation system to supercharge your video production workflow.
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How ClipHog compares to Opus Clip

See for yourself why creators use ClipHog to create short-form content rather than Opus Clip. With our AI-powered clip curation, you can create clips in a fraction of the time it takes to do it manually.

AI-powered clip curation
Clip templates
Clip length suggestions
Preview clips
Bespoke template creation
Automatic subtitling
Multiple aspect ratios
Free/$10 per month
$15 per month, no free tier
Processing time per month
1 hour/4 hours
2 hours

Generate short-form content in minutes.

With the help of our AI, you can generate high-quality shorts faster (and easier) than ever before.

Included in all plans

AI clip curation

Our cutting-edge AI technology selects the best clips from your stream, podcast, or whatever you throw at it, based on how engaging they are, and the type of content you want to create.

Of course, you can always manually select the clips you want to use in case we manage to miss the mark. Our AI is constantly learning and improving, so the more you use it, the better it gets.

Time to create

1 minute clip with subtitles

51 seconds (27x faster!)
23 minutes
Time to create

Batch of 3 clips

106 seconds (~58x faster!)
104 minutes

Fair pricing for every team - free.

We believe in providing the best tools to everyone, regardless of their budget - we want to foster creativity, not limit it. That's why we offer a free plan that includes all of our features. No locked features, and especially no forcing you to upgrade to access basic functionality.

We currently only offer a free plan, but we're working on a paid plan that will include additional benefits. The free plan will always be available, and we will never remove features from it. Promise.

Get started with ClipHog for free


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